Day Three: Seven Days of Black and White - A Challenge!
Have you heard of the seven day black and white photo challenge circling on every form of social media?
Well, it's a thing, and it's happening now - So there, you can't say that you haven't!
Not only is this a new trend, but I've been nominated by none other than the badass @rigaronib to help this trend make it's transition into the Steemit world!
7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life
Present one image every day for seven days
No people
No explanation
Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags

My bro @richardcrill!
Lets see if your up for the challenge!
Now get to snapping some more photos!
My previous SevendayBnWchallenge posts!
- Day One: Seven Days of Black and White - A Challenge!
- Day Two: Seven Days of Black and White - A Challenge!
I would
Awesome.....wait, What do you mean by "I would"?
Hi roomate! Hope all is well! That movie is amazing!
Yeah, doing great. Hope you doing well too. Also turns out bitcoin was better, your investment I paid you for the room has grown significantly ^_^
That's true! And I managed to pull my fiat funds in order in the end. Thank you and let's chat about the arrangements for the next year when the time comes.
Right! Turns out it was way better than the Euro would've been. Awesome, glad to hear it worked out so well! Yeah totally, was very good to be your roomie ^_^
found ya! So glad I ran into you at the jam yesterday. :)
Yay! yeah, it was a great surprise. Lets hang out again some time today.
Awesome pic, I like how it makes me want to turn the light on in the room to admire the guitars :)
Haha, thanks. Yeah, it is my guitar collection. Somehow I have become a guitar collector :p