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RE: Super Interesting Fact About The Moon Landing!

in #photography7 years ago

I'm not seeing what looks fake. Not going back is the same reason that Apollo 18 and beyond were cancelled: money.

Seriously though, do you even know what the space race was or what it meant to America and the Soviets? Do you have any idea of how they scrutinised one another? Where do you think they find a little hidey hole for the massive Saturn Vs that left the launch pads? How did they con Soviet radars and telescopes monitoring the missions? Do you think about these things or do you just spread random popularist internet garbage?


It’s far from popularist thinking.

Do you think it’s possible that all of that government propaganda about the “space race” is not 💯 % true 😱

Is it possible people at the top of governments would lie to citizens about what’s really going on 🤔

Do people in power ever collude with each other & lie to those with less power in order to maintain power?

Do you also believe all of the government war propaganda from the history books?

Do you think the native Americans gave up their land fair & square? Do you think the twin towers went down from planes? Do you think saddam really had nukes?

Do you think these governments can’t print money whenever they want for whatever they want? How much does an Air Force jet cost taxpayers?

Do you actually believe all of the bs governments tell citizens or are you just spreading selective propaganda?

Okay, I see where you are coming from now - your examples speak volumes - I think you just need to filter it a bit.

I admire your mindset, I really do. You are questioning what you are being told, which is excellent. You are indeed correct if you think that governments lie. Politicians are famous liars, and the media are almost as bad. But that doens't mean that everything is a lie. Also, try to differentiate between that which is easy to lie about and is no technical in nature, and an entire space race which is way more complex than most politicans are capable of comprehending, let alone twisting.

The space race took place during the cold war, so misinformation was sown. but this was mostly along the lines of covering up accidents and avoiding embarassment, especially on the part of the Russians. The achievements were real. Don't reaad them from the political side, read and watch the accounts from the side of the astronauts and scientists, it's far more true and far more interesting anyway. Try to find a copy of the '80's movie "The Right Stuff" as an introduction.

To answer your other questions for the sake of completeness and courtesy:
Collusion to maintain power - absolutely;

Government war propaganda - history books are generally not written by governments, but rather by historians. Of course history is written by the victors and the historians themselves are biased. In some cases the very conservative governments e.g communist ones would indeed do the writing, but that is the exception to the norm.

Native American land - I'm not American and I'm no expert here, but from the outside I would say that encroaching on the land of nomadic people is a firm "no" when it comes to "fair and square".

Twin towers and planes - yes, and the Pentagon too. But how and why those planes hit the towers is fishy and I definitely smell some dodgy government activity there.

Everybody new Saddam didn't have nukes. BUT, he had a huge stock of chemical weapons that he was not scared to use (ask the Kurds - he killed thousands of them). But I think what you're getting at is that the US used WMDs as an excuse to invade and take him out - which is true.

Printing money - you're actually a bit behind there, private individuals call for the printing of money in the US, banking families to be precise. Government are puppeteered by these bankers. They use catchy names like "Federal Reserve" to make you think that it is a government institution - it isn't.

Air Force jets vary wildly in price depending on which jet it is. B2 bombers are the most expensive, but some large projects become prohibitively expensive as costs overrun and the number of units procured drops radically. Ironically this radically pushes up the cost-per-unit as much of the price has to do with R&D. It also means that the Air Force is left witout adequate aircraft capability. in fact the US is famous for making that exact same mistake over and over and over again. They do similar things with other platforms like Zumwalt Class destroyers and Seawolf Class submarines and even with weapons.

Government BS - nope, I assume a politician is lying if his/her mouth is moving and I never spread that which I do not fact check and study.

I saw the right stuff in the 80’s & once in the 90’s, that is grade a military funded government propaganda on the silver screen for the masses. I wanted to go to space camp as a kid. Took a lot of astronomy & physics, studied it all as a hobby for a decade plus after college, very much believed in it all. My cynicism is not due to lack of education or information.

I think we would be able to agree on much of what you wrote & a lot of other things. We should both stay open minded & never stuck to any ideas 👍

They always flatten out


You need to study some orbital mechanics my friend. You have to "flatten out" to get into space, otherwise you will fall straight back down to Earth ;) You go straight up, you come straight back down, gravity is rather unforgiving that way.

Nice pun, A common misconception about people who question the shape of the earth is that they are uneducated. There is a lot of airtime in popular media devoted to cultivating that image. The truth is most are very well educated & previously believed in & studied all of the things people think they don’t understand or never heard of. It’s not that I’m unaware of Nasa’s Explanations, it’s that I don’t accept them as truths based on all the evidence I’ve seen.