
This is one of the lighter vehicles that they supposedly use in the cities. Yet I have never soon one around, maybe their camo is just that good ;)


There wasn't much special about this vehicle, had quite a lot of equipment that they have displayed on the floor. Here is a small description below that the provided for the vehicle.



The word/car mamba here in Uganda is a big army car that is always used to quell protests/demonstrations!
Great pic and i like the way you always hide behind the camera hahahaha.

Hey hope you have updated your followers about the Netcoins contest going on how we can vote to list Steem there??

Oh no I haven't done that yet. I will make sure to do it. Haha I think some of these army vehicles will be in a few of Africa's countries.

Mamba, a crocodile?

The weight can relate to the fact that it includes when fully loaded.

This looks the beast out there so cool thanks for sharing this shot :)

It is a great car what I call the attention is that its maximum speed does not pass of 100 km besides it is noticeable that it is high