Help Me Influence the World with Nat GeosteemCreated with Sketch.

"I recently acquired my first wildlife photography assignment with National Geographic"

My own way of furthering the cause.


I often find myself attempting to contribute to valuable information or advice being shared and discussed on this platform as I would like to see it grow into something better than a forest of bots and worthless info. However, while sifting through inconsequential posts and finally coming across something that seems to have inherent worth, I always find that I have nothing of value to add. Seeing as the majority of worthwhile information created and shared here is tech based, and I am not an incredibly tech savvy individual, an avenue for my particular abilities to benefit the community has yet to form. I believe in the power of decentralized networks and understand the potential impacts of their application, but not their technical aspects. The inner-workings of code and programming is lost on me.

The things I do understand are natural systems, wildlife, and photography. Being a fish and wildlife biologist by trade, an ecologist by schooling, and a photographer by passion, I want to show that decentralized networks have the power to bring change to the physical world in areas of interest beyond the technological.

I recently acquired my first wildlife photography assignment with National Geographic. To be completely transparent, Nat Geo themselves did not contact me and offer me the job, a person who received a grant from Nat Geo to do a story for them found me and offered me a job going on assignment with him capturing images of birds (my photographic obsession) and habitat to accompany his story. The nature of the story itself, due to the contract I signed with Nat Geo, is something I cannot describe or discuss in detail. As is vital for the purpose of this post, I will divulge the basic concepts.

The story will be highlighting the effect of habitat loss and environmental degradation on bird populations and also the people who depend on said habitats for their way of life. Weaving together the story of wildlife and people coexisting on this earth.

This is a HUGE opportunity for me professionally. So, naturally, I'm diving in. As a part of preparing for the project at hand, we are gathering funds from interested parties in the form of grants, monetary donations, and like kind donations. Contacting individual organizations and seeing if they would like support the endeavor.

I see this as an opportunity for the decentralized community to show it can influence the world in more ways than in technology or protocol. That the infrastructure can bleed into the physical world, even affecting our awareness of the natural environments we live in. It is a perfect alignment of incentives for myself, other wildlife advocates, and for those looking to show that crypto is a legitimate, powerful tool.

So, here I make a proposition: give me something I can use on this assignment. I want something to come from the decentralized community to take with me on the trek that will give me a talking point. Something I can put on social media accounts, talk with Nat Geo affiliates about, something I can discuss on podcasts and say that it came from the decentralized community via the Cent platform in support of what I wanted to accomplish. Hence, inspiring others with visions of bettering our world regardless of their empty pockets, or lack of deep technical knowledge.

I am not looking to get an obscene amount of funding from this post, nor do I care to get more than needed as that is contrary to that of the decentralized world I envision. Because of this I am going to make this very cut and clear:

           400mm f/4 DO IS ll USM Lens

----Used price on Ebay: $5,000-$6,000 US----

If seeding/tips can generate enough money to purchase the above piece of equipment, I will take every opportunity I can to let the world know where it came from. With the nature of this assignment it could end up somewhere very prominent. I cannot make promises, I can only put the word out there. At the end of the project I will sell the equipment and donate the funds to further the cause of environmental preservation. Hence fertilizing the soil with the tree we all created, together. Of course, I will also be letting everyone know how the assignment is going with posts and photos from the trek, and will lend as many updates as I can as the story unfolds over the next year.

The piece of equipment mentioned above will produce the quality of images required for a project of this standard, while not being as expensive as other lenses used for this type of work that may cost upwards of $20,000. It definitely won't be the most expensive piece of equipment I'll be utilizing. I'm trying to keep this as realistic as possible while also making sure something is gained that will be of use.

I'm a real person. Here is a link to my photography website and my Instagram handle is fawlingfeatherz.

Let's show that the decentralized community can positively influence the world in any way imaginable. In the world I envision Ethereum, Status, Steemit and other projects taking us, the sky is the limit, but let's start with the birds. After all, they live in the sky.


ambitious. Nice pitch.

"Hence fertilizing the soil with the tree we all created"

what kind of message are you looking to make people aware of?

I originally crafted this post for Cent, and figured I'd slap it on here as well. Cent is a bit different than Steemit, and I've basically completely transitioned to using Cent. On there, instead of Steem, Eth is given as tips and for being seeded. So on there it makes more sense to be "funded."
Buuttt.... the message that a decentralized community can come together and make things possible that affect the world in ways other than making people more rich, and creating dapps. That decentralization can help everyone do anything.
This is what I'm trying to find out. If this is possible yet. Mostly, it seems that people are more interested in tossing money at funny Memes. Which is cool, and does have an impact on the world. Though, I feel there is more potential in this sort of platform. With the middle-men cut out, individuals or organizations can be funded fairly and easily.
That's the message I would like to spread.... if it is true.

Congratulations. So I do not understand your ask, re you looking for readers to send you steem that you can sell?

Check out my above reply, it sheds some light on this.

oh, and thanks!