Calla lily symbol of purity - Lirio de cala símbolo de pureza

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steenmians

This photograph I took in the beautiful gardens of the Selva Negra Hotel is located in Colonia Tovar - Venezuela.

This simple and slender flower, belonging to the family of Araceae (Araceae), is known by several names, among them: Calla, Calla lily, Alcatraz, Ethiopian Cala, Ethiopian hoop, water lily, duck flower or jug flower.


Its scientific name is Zantedeschia aethiopica and is a vivacious herbaceous plant, of South African origin, whose fleshy stem can reach more than one meter in height. Generally, between 2 and 3 trumpet-shaped flowers that measure about 5 or 6 centimeters in length flower from each plant.

This striking funnel-shaped flower, that does not go unnoticed by anyone, also emit a very pleasant perfume, but both humans and animals should be careful, because both the flower and the rest of the plant are toxic.

Calla 2.jpg

The callas represent beauty, being considered a symbol of purity and compassion. In addition, it is considered lucky.

As for its care, it is a very strong plant, but it has developed in the ideal conditions in the shade or semi-shade, in a very humid soil, but with a good drainage and organic fertilizer in spring.



Hola Steenmianos

Esta fotografía la tomé en los hermosos jardines del Hotel Selva Negra, ubicado en la Colonia Tovar – Venezuela.

Esta sencilla y esbelta flor, perteneciente a la familia de las Aráceas (Araceae), es conocida por diversos nombres, entre ellos: Cala, alcatraz, cala de Etiopía, aro de Etiopía, lirio de agua, flor de pato o flor del jarro.

Su nombre científico es Zantedeschia aethiopica, es una planta herbácea vivaz, de origen sudafricano, cuyo tallo carnoso puede llegar a medir más de un metro de altura. Generalmente, de cada planta florecen entre 2 y 3 flores en forma de trompeta que miden unos 5 o 6 centímetros de largo.

Esta llamativa flor, con forma de embudo que no pasan desapercibidas por nadie, además, desprenden un muy atractivo perfume, pero tanto los seres humanos como los animales deben tener cuidado, porque tanto la flor como el resto de la planta son toxicas.

Las calas representan la belleza, siendo consideradas símbolo de pureza y de compasión. Además, se considera que da suerte.

En cuanto a su cuidado, es una planta muy fuerte, pero se desarrollan en condiciones ideales a la sombra o semi-sombra, en un suelo muy húmedo, pero con un buen drenaje y abono orgánico en primavera.


The photographs were taken with my Pentax * istD camera, with a Pentax 18-55 lens and natural lighting. If you liked my publication, VOTE, REESTEEM and COMMENT.


Las fotografías fueron tomadas con mi cámara Pentax *istD, con un lente Pentax 18-55 e iluminación natural. Si te gusto mi publicación, apóyame VOTANDO, dando REESTEEM y dejando tu valioso comentario.



This is great photography. Glad I was able to see it.

I thank you so much for your words @alaysiababin

Beautiful photography and a nice write-up on the Cala Lily. It sure is a beautiful flower.

Hermosa fotografía y un bonito relato en Cala Lily. Seguro que es una hermosa flor.

Thank you very much Mr. r2cornell, is always honored to receive your comments and support

Yes sir...very beautiful photo

its really wonderful

That really a natural photography.
You do well@francyrios75.
I donot do like your photography.
Thanks for resteem and commenting sir @r2cornell.

Nice Photography..

i just like your these behaviour..Inspiring mind is so good @r2cornell.
we are man.Helping and inspiring each other make a bonding civilization.
Thanks a lot.
Congrats @francyrios.
keep it up.

Yes sir..

Nice Photography..

Wonderful photographey@r2cornell sir.
Thanks for sharing this post..

Right sir..

photography is interesting and nice. congratulations you on select r2cornell

Wonderful photography sir...

Beautiful photos..

Your photography is really good. Beautiful flower!

Thank you. It's nice to know that you liked my photographs

Some great click & colorfull photography.
So much adorable photo..
Thanks @r2cornell

Bellísimas fotos amiga @francyrios75!!
Me encanta ese momento que lograste captar en la primera foto, con esa gota a punto de caer!
Una abrazo y saludos!!

Gracias @salmahi, sí, ese detalle también fue para mí una hermosa sorpresa, no pensé que lo había captado hasta que pude ver la foto

Preciosa Cala y las fotos espectaculares! Te felicito @francyrios75!

Spectacular photography!

Thank you. It's nice to know that you liked my photographs

Nice photography, how can i make my creative photoshoot

Thank you @vargasjosesss.
Honestly, I do not know what to tell you, I just photograph the things that I like or take my attention

Your photography and blog writing really very beautiful.....sir

La cala para algunos la flor de las novias, las fotografias estan espectacular.

Gracias, me alegra que te gustaran las fotos.

Si, es muy frecuente su uso de las calas en los ramos de novia, precisamente por ser usa flor muy elegante y que tradicionalmente es asociada con la pureza.