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RE: Roses under blacklights

Duuuude! :D
That is amazing. They look gorgeous.
My favorite pictures are: 7 (last one), 6, 5, 1, 3 and 4. I do not like the second picture but this glowing dot/point looks funny and respectively lit, somehow. Do you really think that this is a bug? Haha, I do not know; hard to say from my position. (:
I love the way how it glows, this flower, the center of it. Looks beautiful. The 5th photo is perfect.
The last picture - the "white rose" - looks amazing. Simply fascinating. I like the background too (with the "glowing" light blue point).
Well done my friend!


Glad you liked all but number 2 :-P Number two was to try to get a better shot of that glowing dot/point. I am not completely sure but looks like a Scale bug to me, we have alot of them in Georgia. I should have poked it to see what happened.

Yeah something about the glowing center of the rose in number 5, maybe thats where the fairies live :-D

The last one shows that the LED flashlight and tube light give off different light it would seem as they really look different. I need to do some more research on it but I remember something about some tubes give off infrared light along with the ultraviolet. I can see that in the stem photos of the spiderwort for example, how it glows with that infrared look.. imo

No offense haha, I am simply sharing my opinion, honesty ftw. and all that. I am not a liar, you know. ;D
Alright, I thought that; but I still do not like it that much haha, excuse me.
Yes haha, definitely poke it the next time (and maybe film it). :D

I would totally believe that haha - looks amazing, love it.

I do not exactly know what you mean but just keep posting some photos with these "effects" and I will understand, I hope haha. Nevertheless, it really does glow. This white looks lit.

No worries thanks for ALL of your feedback, I want it all :-) And thanks for the formatting tips awhile back, ive been using the "---" alot.

I meant I have two kinda of black light sources. I rechargeable LED flashlight. And a classic tube black light like you see used with concerts and shows. They each give off different light and give different effects due to it.

Well, thank you too, you are welcome. (: Yes, haha I have noticed that. Lit if it helps. I would like to have the same line just a little thicker.

Alright, that was what I thought about (kind of) - simply was not sure. Nevertheless, I have never tried it myself - and I am the type of person who needs/loves "learning by doing". ;D
But everything you say seems legit. Thx for the information.