There is nothing--let me repeat--NOTHING that I love more than a snow day.
Hello, friends! I had quite a bit of work to do yesterday. Books to read, blogs to write, videos to make. And then it started to snow. A lot. So, I did what any grown adult would do and said, "Fuck it! Let's go play in the snow." I have no regrets. So today's post is dedicated to all the photos I took during yesterday's SNOW DAY. Enjoy!
Was hoping for a high-five from Moses...

This shot was just too tempting.
Here I was going for a stoic look. What you don't see is my mad dash to the bench before the camera timer went off.

This is my favorite shot.

What goes up...

Must come down.
Frosted tips?
p.s. If you liked this post, you might also enjoy the one about that time I almost died on a mountain in Wyoming...