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RE: Chernobyl Before the Craze

I haven't visited Iceland since last time, pretty much a year ago, when things abruptly took a different turn :) I did travel to some other places though - twice to Miami, once to Cuba, then Ukraine and Chernobyl as well as several other places across Europe. Apart from Cuba, Ukraine and Greece, all other trips were work-related, so I didn't quite have the time and energy to take photos.

As for Chernobyl - maybe that photographer went there without any protection whatsoever? From what I heard, the security was not tight after the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 90s, and many people were entering the zone with the idea to break into the abandoned apartments, steal stuff (TVs, washing machines, etc.) and then sell it. That's rather disturbing.

What have you been up to? :)


Things have been pretty slow here, other than the photography. I finished my masters degree and have been unemployed since. I may have an interview for an HR job next week, some time. I'd rather be heading back to Spain.

Cuba would be fun to see, some day. It's mostly off limits to US citizens :-P Did you get some photos of those amazing old cars they have around?

Did you get some photos of those amazing old cars they have around?

I did and I am slowly making progress on a post about Cuba :)