Live What YOU Love!!

in #photography7 years ago


Isn’t it time for ALL of us to truly Live What YOU Love?
I mean with all the chaos and dysfunction whether with people or the weather – it’s become clear to me that there is too much low vibing energy going on.
Stressed out people working pay check to pay check, too much chemical laden junk labelled ‘food’, too many scams, depression, pharmaceuticals and I could go on.
Is this really how we are or were meant to live life?
Judgments on what labels one is wearing, who’s the latest gossip talk about, our bodies aren’t the right size, shape or height and so on.
Maybe we need to start looking at things differently?
Everything we need to be happy and live a life on purpose is inside of us, we just need to slow down or stop, go within and remember who we are!
Not always easy in a society that promotes do do do and buy buy buy.
Yes if you look around one can see clearly it’s not working so well!!
There are a lot of energetic shifts going on and even I am still getting clearer and clearer and having moments of being in the crap.
It’s time to come from our hearts, not our heads. Follow our passions, joy and bliss.


I do know that I love what I share on my blog ( – it’s all part of my life – I like to keep things simple, pure and clean – from what I eat, to what I put on my body and in my mind. My Soul loves sunshine, fresh air, quietness and nature whether that is the rainforest, mountains or beach – beach whenever possible though!
No, I am far from perfect, but when I can I do it as often as possible.

Living in Mexico for the last while has shown and taught me much. Many of these people live on a fraction of what we do in North America yet they are always friendly, smiling and appear to be happy.
To me being happy, conscious and love what I am doing is important – after all isn’t everything energy??
When was the last time you did something that you truly love to do or followed your joy?
I had a Massage / Energy work last Friday while listening to the waves of the ocean, the birds and felt the breeze on my skin – it was one of the best sessions I’ve ever had!
PS Many more photos will be coming as I finally got the start of my portfolio on line!! -
