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OOps hit send to early but it was a nice cool morning so Nice for a stroll , your weekend must almost be upon you or is it now your on vacation?

Either way have a good weekend

See, you had a nice walk ๐Ÿ˜
Yes, I am already on vacation in Lower Austria. Today was more cold and rainy, but tomorrow should be better, says the forecast.

Let's hope for a nice weekend for both of us ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿคž

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I hope you get some nice weather and have a greta vacation, should be nice here our BIg yearly festival is on this Weekend the Oyster fest with bands events, ohh yeah and Oysters, the downtown gets packed so I will head to other parts of the city this weekend

The weather forecast says it will be hot over 30C during the days and autumnlike cold at night ... we'll see.

I hope, you have best weather for your festival. I have not eaten many oysters in my life, only a few, but it is some seafood I don't like that much. I prefer shrimps and such.

And you want to avoid the masses and don't join the fun?
I can understand you. Last weekend there was a festival in our town. We went there in the evening to eat something, and we were glad to go back home after eating, because so many people are so loud...

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Similar sort of temps here for the weekend but now they are talking rain, but as long as thereโ€™s some clear parts of the day so I can get out for a walk then I am happy,

I have had haters a few times myself but not a huge fan of them wen I do have them I like a beer to wash them down

I may do a walk around the festival early for some photos but not drinking anymore later inthe day with the crowds who will hav had a few its just not as much fun as whe I used to be one of the ones drinking LOL

Many of the festivals here are quieter and family orientated, this one is more of a big party in a lot of ways but it finished at 6 then the crowd moves to bars

You're not a huge fan of haters ? ๐Ÿ˜ lol

When I was drinking myself I loved every festival and alike ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

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LMAO now that I blame on typos and autocorrect of course I meant oysters
We went to quite a few festivals and bars in our time as well I loved them at the time

I know you meant oysters, but this typo deserves a !BEER ๐Ÿ˜

Times have changed and I think people have changed, as well as we have changed.

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Ohh yeah it sure does, and obvioulsy the full moon is still i effect I didnt plan on a morning walk today was going to go straight tot he office well I did go straight to the office and was there early about 6:45 and then I notice I have left my ID card at home and the ID office didnt open till 8 so I ended up getting a walk in :)

The full moon really effects you :) my ID card is always in my wallet. Without it I also wouldn't be able to get into my office.
Your day was meant to begin with a walk ๐Ÿ˜„

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I have mine on a thingy that hangs around my neck take it everyday with me I sit it on top of my car keys so I wont forget it but clearly today I found a way to forget it lOL

And yes you know I dont mind walking so it was all good

Yes, I know you like walking, and maybe you have hidden the card yourself, that you can go for a walk, although you said, you don't want ... ๐Ÿ˜

I would forget mine for sure if I had it separately, but it is together with my other cards, which I need too ๐Ÿ˜€

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LOL NO I didnt hide it the thing is if i want to go on a walk I just go for one, I work sort of flex time these days so thats never an issue
I have all the things i take wallet keys Iโ€™d card etc in a little box where i take them from each morning i guess this morning i was out of conch is all

Then the full moon is guilty ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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