📷 Flowers from my Street - Spring or Bougainville 🌹

Spring or Bougainville "Spectabilis" (scientific name) is the name of this beautiful flower with a very expressive red color and with very sensitive petals that inhabits practically all my street.

It is a tropical flower native of Brazil and is one of the most cultivated in the tropical gardens of the whole world and what I observe is that has thorns throughout its length, the branches are very large and according to my research can reach up to 20 meters in length. According to my research too, this flower has two variations.

This one I photographed is one of the variations of Spring that is the Spectabilis, that has more intense colors. But, there is another variation of these flowers that is Glabra, which has softer tones and are more resistant to cold.

His name "Bougainville", is due to a tribute of King Louis XIV (King of France, better known as the "Sun King") to Admiral Luis Antoine de Bougainville who collected some specimens of this flower here in Brazil in the century XVII and gave of gift to the then French monarch; Since then, this flower is known by that name.

Here in Brazil, it is better known as "Spring" because it is during the spring period that it is possible to see a larger inflorescence of this flower.
This was one of the beauties found on my street. Photo, history, gardening and beauties. Look around you too!
Camera = Sony Alpha 3500
Lens = 18 - 50 mm
f= 6.3
V= 1/160
ISO= 100
Editor= Sony Play Memories
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Hi @jsantana
You took really beautiful photos, we also get bougainvillea's here in South Africa and they grow very well here.
Very good @rynow. Thank you very much for your support :)
They are so bright! Enjoyed :)
Thank you very much for your support as always @bontonstory :D
I remember this flower back home in the Caribbean
Is very common this flowers in regions of tropical climate. Thank you for your comment @billykeed :)
O ano passado estive a casa da mamma e plantei uma muda de "Primavera", e sei que a mesma curtiu o lugar. Ainda não vi o resultado (as flores). Valew pelas informaçõe e fotos my brother! (;
É bonita mesmo. Aqui tem muito dela. O interessante é que as pétalas dela são bem frágeis. Valeu @lordemau
Em Sampa se ve bastante decorando a entrada das casas. (;
Beautiful :) In Berlin we have snow :-/
:D Very cold in Berlin sure. Thank you very much dear @yoganarchista
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