Something more than a flower
For those people who oriented their pyramids towards the constellation of Orion, the ancient Egyptians, it was the indisputable symbol of immortality.
Also for the Orientals it has a special significance and does not go unnoticed in the legendary life of the great Gautama.
Seen as a metaphor for the psychic states of the human being, it could be considered that its roots sink into the muds of the unconscious, illuminating and opening like a beautiful flower when awake.
For Jung and Reich it was the Golden Flower, in the same way that the Phi number was for sacred architecture.
His inestimable majesty, the lotus flower.
NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.
La flor de loto muestra un misterio a plena luz, la belleza de la vida después de la muerte. Hermosas fotos, @juancar347 :)
Es una flor por la que particularmente siento un especial cariño y siempre tiene algo que enseñarnos. No es de extrañar que su simbolismo se remonte a miles de años y todavía en muchos lugares continúe siendo sagrada. Un abrazo, @marlyncabrera
Hi @juancar347 ,It is as you say, your majesty, it is a beauty, the flowers are all beautiful and have their different characteristics, but this both in the bud, and with open petals is a presiocity.
True, they are all worthy of admiration and an open book to learn from.
Nice shots