Forgotten Pyramids of Meroe

in #photography8 years ago

 In the desert, in eastern Sudan, on the banks of the River Nile are nearly 200 ancient pyramids - many of them are the tombs of the kings of the Meroitic kingdom, who ruled here for more than 900 years ago.Pyramids of Meroe smaller than their Egyptian counterparts, they have a narrow base and slopes on the sides. Some of the pyramids are built 2700 - 2300 years ago, and decorative elements of the cultures of the Pharaohs of Egypt, Greece and Rome.Although the pyramids of Meroe are one of the main attractions of the Sudan, recently began to forget about them, as a tourist destination, due to a number of economic sanctions imposed by the various Western countries. 

 After transferring the capital Napata preserved religious center value. It housed the royal tombs - pyramids were crowned kings, election alleging priests. 

 On the road to the pyramids of Meroe 

 The cult of the god Amon at many stages of the history of Egypt was the most common. The priesthood of Amun was very influential.Temple of Amun in Naga was founded Pharaoh Natakamani temple reached 100 meters in length. The temple Natakamani several statues were installed.The temple is oriented east-west axes, built of sandstone, which over the years has been hit by erosion. The temple is built in a traditional Egyptian style, with outdoor courtyard and colonnade sculptures with a ram's head (the symbol of Amun). These "sheep" we are here and see 

  Burial time of the kingdom of Cush are located in the vicinity of Meroe in three places 

 Most of the pyramid consists of an elevated part of a stone base with a party of 8 to 15 meters. The height of the pyramids ranges from 12 to 20 meters. For comparison, the height of the pyramid of Cheops today - 138-139 meters 

  To the west of the Temple of Amun is the temple lion apedemak God, personified in Cushites military prowess. It was believed that the god of peace apedemak protects family members of the deceased pharaohs. According to believe it - anyone who violates the peace, will be cursed apedemak.In the photo below - Roman pavilion or kiosk - a small temple near the great temple of Amun and apedemak made in the Greek style. The front side is decorated with reliefs in the Egyptian style, on the Roman lintel - a series of sacred Egyptian cobra 

 Temple-Lion God apedemak. The facade of the temple is a front gate, decorated with reliefs of the pharaoh and queen Natakamani Amanitore, emphasizing their divine power over the slaves (or prisoners). At the feet of Pharaoh and Queen, as a sign of royal power, settled lions 

 Southern cemetery Meroe pyramids with nine Royal (five pyramids of the pharaohs and four - Queens). In addition to the great pyramids in the cemetery are also one hundred ninety five smaller graves. 

 Pyramid Meroe.