“Working with Children at the Sensory Room Part 2 センサリールームで生徒たちと過ごすその2” Photography 写真

in #photography4 years ago


“Working with Children at the Sensory Room Part 2”

I wrote about working with children at the sensory room a couple of days ago. I went to this sensory room before March break with my students and took different photos.
I love these artworks very much.




Sunset image from floor projector 床用プロジェクターの日没画像

Fireworks from the floor projector 床用プロジェクターの花火の画像

About my previous article about the sensory room センサリールームについての以前の投稿はコチラ:

My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1


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