Fragnant Tangerines 🍊

in #photography5 years ago


Morning, Steemit 🍊

It's been a while . . . 27 days to be exact, wow! I really do have this tendency of disappearing out of the blue and then making a return when nobody's watching haha. It is not easy to stay consistent and provide creative visual content at the same time. Perhaps, I should just treat my page as a window to the Steemit ocean and kick back sometimes 🤔

Anyway, during my absence, I did accomplish something, I finally beat Death Stranding which took me almost 2 weeks, not gonna lie, I've played a lot 🎮 America is whole once again 🙌🏻
Does it mean I will be posting more often from now on?! Yes, I'm going to try my very best!

Okay, now you're probably wondering what all these tangerines have to do with me being away, and the answer is - absolutely nothing. I do like how the photos turned out a lot though. Tangerines, mandarins, clementines etc are by far my favorite winter time snack, their fragrant aroma also signals about holidays approaching, every time I have one I can't help, but think of New Years 🍾 🥂
Do you guys get the same feeling eating these fruits?

Special shoutout to my husband @matt-a for helping me capture the first image, I just could not get my hand in focus 🤭


artwork by kookyan


cool stuff. meanwhile, I will educate myself looking at your stuff. who knows, maybe I will start shooting food one day too.

Awesome, what do you normally shoot?

streetphoto, objects, macro is my usual stuff. portraits is my obsession and a weak spot -- i can not approach to folks. I love nightly cityscapes... and I'm inevitably coming to the point where it is not that important what do you shoot, but its all about the light.

It is about the light, but it's okay to have favorite subjects to shoot haha

the food is not one of them -- but i cannot but appreciate your works.

Thank you very much!

А я думаю куда это ты исчезла? И на китах давно не появляешься (
Отличные фотографии как всегда.
Кто не любит мандарины, у нас они также ассоциируются с Новым годом.
Хорошего настроения, дорогая!
Спасибо что не забываешь и заглядываешь ко мне на страничку :-)


Спасибо большое :) да, мандарины, наверное, мой самый любимый зимний фрукт!

На китах я уже несколько месяцев не активничаю, так что если у меня будут новые посты, то на Стимите!

Отличных выходных!

Мандарины на чёрном, это не то, что просто мандарины) !
И хорошо, когда рядом мужская рука))

Хаха, правда-правда! Спасибо большое :)