Under the Evening Sky
When we come to beach, we find a lot of activities that are being done by people. One of them is beach football. These kids were playing beach football under the evening sky. Seeing this sight, I went to shoot their style of managing the ball. Luckily, I found them doing that when the sunset and giving out the sensational view of their performance.
These photos were taken by Fujifilm X-A3
Cheer up Your Life

Menyatu dengan semesta bersama senja.
Menyatu dengan alam dan bermain bersama teman
Semasa remaja, kami dahulu sering melakukan hal seperti ini selesai shubuh, dlm suasana remang2 yang hampir mirip
Kami dulu mainnya di sawah bang.. sayang dulu engga ada HP... bagus foto bang @levycore ini
I like this your post 👍👍
Senja selalu saja membawa cerita. Mudah2an itu bukan cerita duka namun cerita bahagia.
Posted using Partiko Android
Keren abis
Sepakat saya, foto bang @levycore memang top selalu
Fotonya bagus bang @levycore
Sukses selalau bang
Those are some interesting photographs. It almost looks like the guy is surfing in the third picture.
The view is like on ujoeng blang beach Lhokseumawe!
Dulu, hampir setiap pagi minggu dengan kawan-kawan bermain bola di situ. Thank you brother.
Foto sunset nya bagus2 bg bg @levycore
stunning pictures, with beautiful view