Royal Sunset Lily

in #photography6 years ago

My lilies are confused. I ordered them from someplace in China and they arrived sprouting a few weeks ago. I figured I should put them in the ground right away but expected that maybe they would winter over and flower next year.

It looks like they are about ready to flower now. That’s kind of unusual but I’m not complaining. Other people have left a one star review on them because they were not sure if they would grow properly.

The weather has been pretty warm and unusually sunny. It feels like spring to me so maybe the flowers have things right. In any case they are in a fairly protected spot so maybe if the winter is mild they will survive. I’m interested to see what the flowers look like so I hope that they make it before it frosts.

Lily with some flower buds in the fall – click for viewing full screen

Here’s a view showing the three of them coming up in the flower bed:

Royal Sunset Lily just coming up – click for viewing full screen

They are a bit shorter than advertised so maybe this is normal for being planted this time of year. One of the got eaten or stepped on but the others are doing fine.

The clover is also growing nicely this time of year. Deer come by and eat the clover. I mostly let it grow for them, but sometimes I like to eat the clover flowers too. I think it look pretty in the sunlight.

Clover in the morning sun, one – click for viewing full screen

This view shows the color as a darker red. There is some variation in the flower color.

Clover in the morning sun, two – click for viewing full screen

It kind of the looks like the flower is partially developed or was eaten a bit by something:

Clover in the morning sun, three – click for viewing full screen

Journal Thoughts

Besides watering the flowers, I’ve been out disk golfing a lot recently. My favorite Innova Colossus distance driver disk got stuck inside a colossal ball park sign. It was a really bad throw that got off course. Usually I don’t have an issue throwing the disk anywhere close to the sign but the wind caught it and I was not warmed up at all. I could see the disk flying up really high towards the back of sign and expected it to glance off and come back down but no such luck.

My favorite disk was way up there stuck in the sign. I could see a small edge of it barely visible thirty feet or so up in a ledge in the back of the sign. I’m not even sure what the ledge would be good for besides a nesting area for birds or catching bad throws from inexperienced disk golfers.

Under close examination I saw that there were two other disks stuck in the sign so I was not the only person that had the bad luck to get a disk stuck. My son and I tried to get one of them down with a long tree branch but it was really wedged in the sign.

I sent a note to the park department at the city and was surprised because the next day they told me that they had recovered my disk. I was so happy I rode my bike down the office to get it right away but they had just recovered the two other disks that were stuck in the sign and not my disk.

Oh well. I was really very pleased that they had even tried and surprised at how fast they got to the job. Some very nice people work there. They said they would give me a call if they ever did recover the disk but were not sure when they might get to it. I should have been more specific about where it landed or what color the disk was I suppose.

It makes me very happy that they tried in any case.

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Text and graphics copyright 10/17/2018 lightsplasher & litesplasher.


I love seeing the clover hairs in the sunlight! What a nice shot!!

I see you can get a 20 foot aluminum telescoping pole at Home Depot for $35. Not sure what the discs go for.

My Rose of Sharon is blooming and it was 27F this morn! Crazy.

Thanks! I have been trying different lighting out for fun. The weather has been different recently. Disks are around $20 and I hope I don't lose too many. That pole might come in handy.

I hope that your Royal sunset Lilies would bloom soon enough with lovely flowers @lightsplasher and best regards to your disk golfing. It seems that disks are prone to being caught up on trees and such unlike balls.

Thank you! The buds are getting bigger day by day. It has been very nice weather for the plants. Disks do seem to get lost a lot, perhaps I need to improve some on my throw. I think it is typical to for them to get lost though - many people write their names and phone numbers on them.

It seems really fun to golf disk and I just wished that I can play that too. @lightsplasher

Lily flower. sounds like that! this flower has a very beautiful flower. if my guess the flower of this plant is white, this is just my guess! but I have never seen this flower. @lightsplasher, if this lily has flowered! don't forget to post again, I really want to see it, thank you.

I will post pictures if it flowers this season. It looks like there is a really good chance it will but the weather can turn colder any time now.

Hello dear friends @lightsplasher

Hi @kabil thank you for the tip you sent me. Have a wonderful day!

hehehe ... it's my best friends ,, together, thanks also for yourself

wow, lily flowers come from very far away, hopefully your lily flower can be replaced well.
Thanks @lightsplasher for sharing.

beautiful flowers, I really like beautiful flowers, what's more the color pink, (how are you dear)

Wao this is very beautiful photography. I also like Lilly flower. It really beautiful. Good job @lightsplasher.

Wow amazing photography sir. its valuable article. thanks @lightsplasher
Have a great day

Pretty green! Nice