

One of my friends call me and ask me would you please come and take a photo from me?!
I say, yes why not?!!!
Now, i would like to share with you my dear friends, some of these photos.
You know what, when a model knows that what they are doing, the shoot flows quicker and more enjoyable.

I had a great time taking photos of my friend. ❣️❣️❣️


" When you speak
I feel a lily walks in your voice
Speak to me
I want to hear your voice
You were the gardener of your voice
And your laughter
A flock of white doves flying at once
I love you "


" حرف كه ميزني انگار
سوسني در صدايت راه مي رود
حرف بزن
مي خواهم صدايت را بشنوم
تو باغبان صدايت بودي
و خنده ات
دسته ي كبوتران سفيدي
كه به يكباره پرواز مي كنند
تو را دوست دارم "

  • غلامرضا بروسان-
