Road from Menton in France to Latte in Italy - Migrant Root and Caffè Latte in Latte!

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

You can walk along the coast with Alps on the one side and Mediterranean on the other. Spectacular views....


We start in Menton which according to WIKIPEDIA
"Situated on the French Riviera, along the Franco-Italian border, it is nicknamed perle de la France ("Pearl of France").
Menton is famous for its gardens, including the Jardin Serre de la Madone, the Jardin botanique exotique de Menton ('Le Val Rahmeh'), the Fontana Rosa, the Maria Serena garden, and the modernist gardens of Les Colombières.

Le Val Rahmeh was established in 1905 by Englishman Sir Percy Radcliffe, the first owner of the gardens, and named for his wife. Villa Fontana Rosa was built in 1922 by Blasco Ibáñez, a Spanish novelist, and the gardens of the villa are now open to the public."








French-Italian borders apparently still exist, although Italian mountain troops -yes migrant crisis- are there ready to stop any threat - we've seen how one non-European couldn't enter Italia. No photos unfortunately.

And we're in Italia! Mountain coast path and what a view!







A restaurant with a view



Coffee looks great here!


Latte - Milk in Italian

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