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RE: Why I ditched my 1/4 million followers on Instagram and why you should too!

in #photography5 years ago

Well fuck all that mainstream shit anyway and buy some Bitcoin and some cheap Steem!
Welcome to one of the first experiments of trying to get a decensored social media platform happening on blockchain 😀


100% with you on that, never going back to mainstream! Now I just need to understand more as to how Bitcoin and crypto even works 🤣

Haha be more concentrated on working to turn paper money into satoshis 😀 If your totally new to it all feel free to discod me for help,its all quite easy but bewildering at first 😀

What is your Discord?

Good question, i think its movingman#1084 will check

edit #0184 😀

Which was first, Gab, Minds, or Steemit? Well, I guess Steemit launched as an actual blockchain. Gab begun as a normal website. Minds was probably built on Ethereum.