
Enjoy! I hope it's not too cold for you :)

No problem, I did experience cold already... Say, I've read you an avid reader. Do you only read books or ebooks as well? I have lots of tittles of Sheri S. Tepper, James P. Hogan, Robert Heinlein and other I would be glad to share! :)

I do read both.. Heinlein I have to admit I found a struggle. I'm more into fantasy than Sci Fi especially the epic stuff like Robert Jordan, Raymond Feist, Terry Goodkind, Steven Erikson.. only problem is the series go on.. and on.. and on.. and.. well you get the point lol

I believe you will like Sheri S. Tepper's books then. If you have email or whatsapp I can send the .pdf files. Let me know either through [email protected] or + :)