Toy Dogs at the sea! King Charles Spaniel
The one at the back said; "Ooh, get ready for the camera" and the front one said; "Oh Yay"!
The King Charles Spaniel is a small dog breed of the spaniel type. In 1903, the Kennel Club combined four separate toy spaniel breeds under this single title. The other varieties merged into this breed were the Blenheim, Ruby and Prince Charles Spaniels, each of which contributed one of the four colors available in the breed. Thought to have originated in the Far East, toy spaniels were first seen in Europe during the 16th century. They were made famous by their association with King Charles II
Taken from:
Note: All photos are my own and taken at the beach today. Unedited, except for downsizing
"Look at my healthy tonsils" the front one shouted!
She said: "He is a handsome man", "Molly" the other said, "Behave yourself, you're a married woman"!
He said, "Molly, for Pete's sake, stop giving him the eye"!
Just a bit of Friday joking for y'all. These two were the friendliest doggies that we have met thus far. Gentle little ones and the proud owners stopped for me to take some shots of them. A new breed as far as I am concerned, as I have never seen these before and their hair felt like silk at my stroke. Beautiful and friendly and happy they were!
And now for something else!
In a next post I will show you how this little tiger swims on his own in the sea. Bounding and skipping across the sand in a rush to get into the waves and of course we were concerned that he would drown in the backlash of the waves. But no such thing as he is an expert surfer!
Until next time, we hope you have enjoyed the pictures and thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

Goodmorning @pappilloncharity we havent met before but I saw you blog in animals in the powerhousecreatives list so Nice to meet you and what a great way. We have two gordon setters and I always try to do the best shots and the clear ones but Why? You See that they are dogs..... so Thanks for that insight going to remenber that next time. I think these dogs were a “in” to have for a period here in the Netherlands cause of a politician who had them , oh well looking forward to the swim champion blog.
Gr. From Holland
Hi @brittandjosie, great to meet you and I could never understand why people would buy dogs just because politicians had them? One has to search carefully for a pet that matches one's character and the wrong dog could become a big problem. Fortunately most dogs like me and I also like them. I will post the swimming champion later today.
Blessings and nice to meet you!
Well stephen i agree, we took 6 months debating before we bought the two gordon setters we have
I fell in love with King Charles Spaniels the first time I ever saw one. I even looked into purchasing one but the price was way more than I would ever spend for a dog when there are so many that need good homes sitting in the shelter. But they would certainly be my dream dog! Great photos and the perfect story to go along with them!
Glad that you liked the post Lady Melinda and we hope all is well at your end. I agree with you, as I have never bought a dog in my life. Normally the mutts become troublesome and then they are given to me. Your heart is in the right place about the shelters and it's better to only admire the beauties from a distance! Blessings!
I don't have a dog right now. I find that taking care of myself is all that I can manage on some days! It would be difficult to have the responsibility of a dog right now.
Don't blame you, as it's important to take care of yourself. I never used to, but after the operation I am now also in the same situation. Blessings!
Very cute sir @papilloncharity. I've never seen a dog like this. It was adorable because walked with authority. 👍👍👍
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you and it was also my first time to see them my friend. They are very royal and friendly! Blessings!
They look pretty adorable. I have never met one in person, but I have seen plenty of photos. They seem like they might have been the original models for the so-called "Staffordshire Dogs" made of ceramics that you sometimes see in antique shops.
I had a real Staffordshire for many years and his name was "Max". He was of the American long legged type and sadly died of old age. These King Charles Spaniels are of the friendliest dogs that I have ever met. Blessings!
Beautiful cute little.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you and they are indeed beautiful!
They are so cute!
Thank you and glad that you liked them. Where do I find your latest post, so I can comment and vote?
Sweeetieees! Can't wait for the swimming pics :)
Thank you my friend and I will post the swimming pics later today! Blessings!
so cute Toy Dogs. haha
Beautiful photographs sir..
Nice post..
Cute indeed my friend and thank you! Blessings!
Good to see you arrived and well, enjoying the beach with little dogs I have not seen in person before, I believe they are beautiful to touch.
Have an awesome weekend Stephen.
Like pure silk at my touch Lady Joan and I believe that they must be brushed out every day. Our Troy hates a brush and he prefers to roll himself dry on his towels after every occasional bath. I cannot see myself sitting and brushing two dogs every day, although these little guys must love the attention. Blessings!
Soooo cuteeeee they areeee
I could squeeze them even though I am super scared of dogs...
Tooo cute.... and your captions too
Thank you for the smile :)