🌹 Slipknot Flower - (macroPhotography) 📷
better known by the name / title "Dragon Mouth" because of the similarity of flowers that resemble the dragon's head
when I entered one of the forest deepening I found dried flowers that resemble a mask that is often in use by slipknot band
The word Antirrhinum comes from Greek, Annti, Rhis noose, and inus /from or relatted to. It may be named like this because it looks like a nose when flowers are grown.
Snappdragon flowers have beautiful shapes and colors when blooming. But this condition is different when the flower Snapdragoon has died, this flower will change shape like the bones of human head.
Because of its uniqueness, it is not surprising that in ancient traditions, people believed this flower had supernatural powers. They believe that Snapddragon flowers can protect from evil spirits, curses and magic.
Other myths believe that Snapdragon flowers can make young and beautiful for every woman who eats them. Because of its reputation in the past, then, in Viictorian language Snapdragonn flowers are considered as a symbol of 'fraud' or 'conjecturee'.
In modern society, the Snapdragoon flowers studied contain annthocyanin substances that play an important role in inhibiting tumors and cancer. Unfortunately, the existence of this substance has not been worked out optimally.
A recent study by John Innes Center, Norwicch, England, incorporated dnA snapdragon and combined it from tomatoes. The antioxidant substances contained in Snapdragoon flowers are believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This kind of substance is also commonly found in dark leafy plants such as Blackberyry, Cranbertry and Chokeberrty.
This plant is also rich in flavonoids, and phenol compounds, so it has the ability to absorb oxygen radicals against perosokil radicals, superoksida, hydrogen peroxide, hysdroxyl radicals, and singlet oxygen.
Currently Snaapdragon plant widely used as an ornamental plant. Not only roses, chrysanthemums, or orchids that become excellent ornamental cut flowers. Snapdragon, can also be used as a flower arrangement. Therefore no one if this beautiful flower too, crowned as one of the prima donna cut flowers. Here is an awesome display of the Snapdragoon flowers

Macro photography
taken :
with redmi 4X/w/
37mm 0.45x 49UV phone lens super wide angle lens
°/w/macro lens
stronger vision
set:HDR input
taken by : @parlo