Macro Video/Photo - Aglais io [European peacock] - Caterpillar stage
Hi Steemians!! It's been a long time I used my macro-lens on my old Galaxy S5.
Today when I come back to home I saw a lot of caterpillars on my wall. I took some pictures and videos.
As you can see on pictures the caterpillar has backbones called "spiny bristles" but they are not stinging. You can take them on your hands.
Easily recognizable by its black color with white spot. You cand find them all around the world.
It approaches its last stage and will soon be transformed into a chrysalis.
This is chrysalis stage :
Source Wiki
After chrysalis appear a butterfly like this :
Source Wiki

hi looks good , but there is some mist across your picture, is it because you uploaded it on steem or is it also showing on the original picture ?
It s on the original too.. I have to clean my lens on the phone. It s a lens from a microscope, a home montage ;-)
Thank you for sharing !
I love the peacock butterflies!
Now I know what their caterpillars look like
hopefully they lay eggs this summer in my nettle plants :)
Hey english ;-) Be careful that they do not destroy the plants of your gardens .. they are voracious.
Looks pretty decent. I have these lensbong thing which I've not tried like that with my S5.
I fixed the lens on the cover of the GSM not directly on the hull. So I can remove it or clean it.
Thanks for reply ;-)
These are the bad boys you need to avoid (Lonomia obliqua - Giant Silk Moth Caterpillars): --they make you bleed out... they're strong blood thinners, far stronger than Coumadin and Heparin.