The city that always sleeps...
Here we go again… another beautiful day and yet… I’m in my “Dark Emotions” mood… go figure 😊. Hope you like my dark mood…
Curious to see my other work?
Happy to hear that 😉
The best thing you can do is checking out my profile here on steemit ( @pixelfan ) and follow me. I’m always happy to connect with other photographers! (And of course I’m always very happy with a little upvote… although a large one is allowed too 😊)
But of course you can find me on other social media too... just check out:
- 500px - pixelfanfoto
- ello - bisje
- facebook - pixelfanfoto
- google+ - Eric Verbiest
- instagram - pixelfanfoto
Very beautiful work from @pixelfan
Interesting Dark Work
Thanks! Appreciate!
I like this mysterious shot very much. Attention is so drawn to the outside, but the outside of what? I am so curious to know where it is and what it is!
one word : cemetery... ;-)
(I told you it was dark...)
Wow! It's very unusual!
I like dark and moody. More expressive.
with a solitary tree
growing in the center? @pixelfan
WOW! Such amazing work -- it speaks volumes!
And doing a b&w edit only emphasizes the solemness!
Cool picture and darkish. upvoted