(This photo taken by me with my ponsel camera. An original shoot of Samsung J1Ace with no editing at all)
If you want to know the true meaning of something
If you want to find something stored from what is visible
Dig it!
The real meaning is not as easy as seeing the outer shell
He is hidden
Then find out!
Inspired by field work to be done by an anthropologist. Including myself who is currently doing research to fulfill the final task. The data sought is not as easy as counting because it already has its own answer. Anthropology is different. Like digging a treasure. The deeper it will get richer.
Jika kau ingin mengetahui makna sesungguhnya dari sesuatu
Bila kau ingin menemukan sesuatu yang tersimpan dari apa yang terlihat
Makna sesungguhnya tak semudah melihat kulit luarnya
Ia tersembunyi
Maka temukan!
Terinspirasi dari kerja lapangan yang harus dilakukan oleh seorang antropolog. Termasuk saya sendiri yang akhir-akhir ini sedang melakukan penelitian guna memenuhi tugas akhir. Data yang dicari tak semudah berhitung karena sudah punya jawaban pastinya sendiri. Antropologi berbeda. Seperti menggali harta karun. Makin dalam makin kaya. Luar biasa!
Regards 💋
World of Photography
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