The Staredown
Kharmadog has spotted something in her ongoing battle to defend her kingdom. And though the days in this house draw to a close, she keeps watch to ensure that we are safe from those that would threaten us. Creatures that come and steal that which we try to give to others...Do you see what she sees?

Let's look a little closer then, and identify this wary rouge...

Staring right back, the beast know's it's been caught, and waits for a more opportune moment to steal a feast from the bird feeder....
My monkey will jump from tree to tree
Oh man. My dog, Murphy, would be going bananas!
She normally does go pretty crazy, but lately she's switched tactics to waiting for them to take a chance at the bird feeder. She knows she's a short dog and can't fly, so she waits....
LOL so cute!