It's Mushroom Season! | 15 Magical Photos of Wild Mushrooms in Finland

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

It's Mushroom Season Again!

Get your baskets out and run to the forest!

It is lucky to live in Finland, since the nature is full of food!
It is only the beginning of the mushroom season and lingonberries are getting ripe as well!

Yesterday we went for a walk in forest and we took a small basket just in case we found mushrooms. We did find the forest full of mushrooms along with some edible ones too!

We did however forget to take a proper camera with us, but I wanted to try out taking pictures with my phone (Samsung Galaxy S5 Active). I was positively surprised of the quality of these photos. The focusing was a bit difficult with the phone and I had to pay extra attention on keeping the phone steady while shooting. .. Also I got lazy with editing so I didn't add my logo to these photos.

The mushrooms in the pictures are mostly poisonous or otherwise horrible tasting. There is few edible ones too which I have named for you.

I chose to put these mushrooms first in my post because they remind me of smurfs... somehow.




These ones are edible!
Suppilovahvero - Cantharellus tubaeformis
(Yellowfoot, winter mushroom, or Funnel Chanterelle)



These ones are edible too!
Sikurirousku - Lactarius camphoratus
(Candy cap or curry milkcap)










This one is edible!
Männynpunikkitatti - Leccinum vulpinum
(foxy bolete)

However... maggots found it first. Even though it looked quite nice on the outside, there was nothing left to eat really.


Thank you for viewing!


Riku Salomäki


A wonderful variety of fungi. I like the look of that last one, the Foxy bolete, best.

Thanks. Yeah boletes are some fat funky mushrooms. I like them too!

Beautiful pictures! should put the secound one as thumbnail ;D

Thanks! I had that in mind at first, putting the yellow weird-shroom as a thumbnail, but then I chose otherwise. Maybe I should have... ;D

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