Autumn is Nature's Climax

in #photography7 years ago

In many ways May is my favorite month in the mountains.

Lime green valleys with snow-capped mountains, and creeks filled with the crystal clear water from melted snow. Every morning and evening the birds fill the air with their romantic songs. All day long the aluring flowers entice the excited bees. What could be more beautiful?

When the weather is right, October. It can be incredibly dramatic, building to a crescendo that can described as climactic. It is springtime on steroids.

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” Albert CamusbfoilDSC_0267.jpg

In vielerlei Hinsicht ist Mai mein Lieblingsmonat in den Bergen.

Lind grüne Täler mit schneebedeckten Bergen und Bächen gefüllt mit dem kristallklaren Wasser aus geschmolzenem Schnee. Jeden Morgen und Abend füllen Vögel die Luft mit ihren romantischen Liedern. Erwartungsvoll werden die Blumen von eifrigen Bienen begrüßt. Was könnte schöner sein?

Wenn das Wetter stimmt, Oktober. Er kann unglaublich dramatisch sein. Ein farbiges Crescendo erreicht seinen Höhepunkt -- es ist Frühling auf Steroiden.

"Der Herbst ist ein zweiter Frühling, wenn jedes Blatt eine Blume ist." Albert Camus bf dig art DSC_0294.jpgIf you spend time in the woods you begin to understand the magic of life on this amazing planet. You learn that the mountains are mounds of rocks, layers of sediment that are like pages from the book of life. Trees establishment themselves in what appear to be thoroughly inhospitable nooks and crannies, and gradually with their leaves, and themselves, transform these stone mounds into forests and meadows. They are amazing. bf DSC_0308.jpgWenn du Zeit im Wald verbringst, fängst du an, die Zauberkraft des Lebens auf diesem erstaunlichen Planeten zu verstehen. Du merkst, dass die Berge aus Steine bestehen -- Sedimentschichten, die wie Seiten aus dem Buch des Lebens wirken. Bäume befestigen sich in unwirtlichen Ecken und Winkeln, und allmählich verwandeln sie mit ihren Blättern diese Steinhügel in Wälder und Wiesen. Sie sind ct DSC_0306.jpg
"Bäume sind Gedichte, die die Erde am Himmel schreibt." - Kahlil Gibran bf art  DSC_0297.jpg “Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.”— Kahlil Gibranbf ct DSC_0307.jpg “The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”— John Muir "bf DSC_0289.jpgDer klarste Weg ins Universum ist durch eine Waldwildnis." - John Muir bf DSC_0291.jpg

bf DSC_0301.jpg“But I’ll tell you what hermits realize. If you go off into a far, far forest and get very quiet, you’ll come to understand that you’re connected with everything.”― Alan Wattsbf DSC_0299.jpg"Aber ich sage euch was Einsiedler erkennen. Wenn ihr in einen weit entfernten Wald geht und sehr leise werdet, werdet ihr verstehen, dass ihr mit allem verbunden seid. "- Alan Watts

All photos & effects by @roused


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springtime on steroids

Ha, ha! That's the best autumn description I've heard so far.
Amazing photography :-)

Very great images capturing these great views nature offers us during autumn!
I share your fascination for this!

Thanks Phil! Your name says it all ;-)

Hahahahaaha that's very much true. 😂🤣

Hey @roused

If I may take a fragment of your time? - I’m sure you are going to like the idea.

As I can see in your blog posts you have already seen a lot of the world and you have visited quite a lot places, maybe even more than others see in a lifetime. I’m not complaining about that. No, I’m actually really thankful, because ‘others’ might not be sharing their experiences and their lifestyle here on steemit. You present us your way of life, your thoughts and your point of view. But have you ever thought about how someone else might look at it? Or how something else might see your world? - Something ‘inhuman’?

Let me introduce you to the idea of UniqueCosmos.
We try to give artifical intelligence a face and make it more understandable for the average person by creating unique artworks with the help of machine learning. This is what they look like:


Currently we are looking for photographers, bloggers and artists which are interested in joining this project.

You present hundreds or thousands of people your World. Would you like to see your own world through the eyes of artificial intelligence?

Check out our #introduceyourself post for further information.

Thank you for taking your time to read this comment and feel free to contact me: [email protected]

Wishing all the best
-Malick aka @sidibeat from @UniqueCosmos


Thanks Malick for the many upvotes, much appreciated. The platform has been so strained lately that even simply tasks take an excruciatingly long time, so I haven't been able to quickly respond.

I did see the post you mentioned and I was very impressed with the digital artwork, and commented.

Best wishes!

You're welcome!
Well things like that are totally normal during a beta phase of a platform. I think that the amount of users is increasing rapidly which leads to new problems for the developers of the platform. But with a community like this we will easily get through this.

Thanks for taking your time!

Thanks Malick for the many upvotes, much appreciated. The platform has been so strained lately that even simply tasks take an excruciatingly long time, so I haven't been able to quickly respond.

I did see the post you mentioned and I was very impressed with the digital artwork, and commented.

Best wishes!

Wunderbarer Artikel über diese herrliche Jahreszeit, das Ganze unterlegt mit sehr schönen Bilders! Toller Job, der die Seele frohlocken lässt, Alan! :)

Thanks so much Patrick! Yes it was a wonderful month, but we had a bit of snow on the mountain tops this morning :-( Hate to see October end this year.

You don't like to see snow on the mountain tops? In my head that makes beautiful photos: colorful autumn leaves in the foreground and snowcovered mountaintops under a blue sky in the background. :)

You don't like to see snow on the mountain tops? In my head that makes beautiful photos: colorful autumn leaves in the foreground and snowcovered mountaintops under a blue sky in the background. :)

Great post and beautiful like it