MyPictureDay: Late Autumn Walk in Geislar

in #photography7 years ago


Dear friends,

after some grey and rainy days, I was very happy to see the sun coming out yesterday. I took the opportunity to go for a walk with my iPhone. Although Bonn is a city with more than 300,000 residents, there are a lot of rural areas outside the city center. So you can have the best of both worlds.


The district where I live, is called Geislar and trends to the north-east of Bonn. The settlement got its first mention in 873 A.D. The name has a Celtic-Germanic origin, where "Geis" means sandy soil or at the water (the river Sieg flows in the Rhine here) and "-lar" means a settlement. (geiß-, goß-, gyssel- = pothole, swirl) + (lar = coddled area, cattle pen)

I hope, you enjoy these late autumn impressions of my district:





Villich Stream

To the left you can see the Geislar stream, which is a part of the 8.6 km / 5.34 miles long Villich stream, another right side tributary of the Rhine. To the right you can see some of the countless puddles on the trail.







The pond above has just been structured as a compensation for a nearby building project. It's not that large, but I recently just saw the first wild ducks dabbling in it.

Thanks a lot for watching! - Which one is your favorite photo?


All images shot with iPhone 6s and postprocessed with Fotor Photo Editor.

I post about art, photography and sometimes poetry!



Spectacular! Was gonna say Nr 465 is my favorite, when I noticed, they all got this number. So... the last one in the first group of four. With the leaves in the puddle. Brilliant!

Haha :-) Thanks a lot for your kind feedback, Reinhard. The border is just a simple digital effect. That's why all photos have the same number ;-)

Das sind ja echt tolle Fotos - diese Kontraste und Spiegelungen. Echt schön. 😊👍

Danke dir! Freut mich, dass sie dir gefallen. Manchmal muss man einfach nur zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort sein ;-)


Thank you :-)

Ah, ein toller Spaziergang!!! Mein Lieblingsfoto ist das zweit - mit den Bäumen.... :-) und um diese Jahreszeit ist es sooo wichtig jeden Sonnenstrahl draußen einzuatmen :-) ganz herzliche Grüße vom Berg!

Danke dir! Die Sonne tat richtig gut ☀️

Die sind ja Alle wunderschön!
herzlichen Dank, @shortcut, wird gefollowed!

Danke dir! Da folge ich dir doch gleich mal zurück ;-)

Klasse Bilder! Mir gefällt das zweite am Besten, das Spiel von Licht und Schatten. War ja echt ganz schönes Wetter zwischendurch, hast was draus gemacht!

Danke dir für dein Feedback :-) Das zweite Bild gefällt mir auch richtig gut. Ich mag dramatische Wolken ;-)

beautifull shot! great to make a paintings rom it! upvote and follow you!
feel free to visit my blog with my art and photos!

Thanks! You've some interesting art and photography at your blog, so I just followed back. Happy to connect :-)

so nice this looks amazing :)

Excellent shooting angle. Very intresting... thank you for sharing 😊

You're welcome, thank you for your feedback!

you took the best late autmn photo, it looks proffessional photographer.

Thank you :-) Glad, you like them!