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RE: When Art Creates Towns - Drvengrad in 15 B&W photographs

in #photography15 days ago

The first picture is top clickbait hahaha 😂

his movies still has a unique sense of humor

To ironize and self-irony is a skill and a privilege of many suffering peoples. Do our people have a sense of humor? I know for sure it can't make movies. And to build an entire city for this purpose - even more so.
I don't know how many of his movies I've watched, I think I watch them hard because more or less this irony is hard to watch, but this guy is a genius in his own way, like every Serbian 😉

Pictures are great! Have a soul, as already discussed. Love them!


Oh, thank you! It is natural to put the best one on the top, as it is visible without entering, right? ;)

He is a genius and I am not exactly sure he's Serbian :)

Well, he is Serbian, but born in Sarajevo to a Muslim family. I don't know if that changes anything about his genius. I think the ex-Yugoslavia stuff is pretty messed up and there's no point in going into it, and I don't get it anyway...

So probably Bosnian instead ;)
Talent is borderless, you're right!
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