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RE: My last christmas photoshoot))🤗

in #photography6 years ago


There is no response to verification request on previous post:

We recommend not to ignore our verification requests and confirm your identity, as soon as possible, if you want to avoid potential blacklisting and flagging.

Thank You,

More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup


are you working for steemit company??? why I should do it??


We recommend not to ignore our verification requests and confirm your identity, as soon as possible, if you want to avoid potential blacklisting and flagging.
If you fail to verify your account will be treated as just another case of Identity Theft.

Thank You,

why I should do it?? - More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup

Answer. You work for steemit company or not?? beacuse if you dont work why you asking to all users for that?? and the most funny, you acuse people of Identity Theft when your channel is 75% restemmed

Ok, you have been blacklisted for Identity Theft.

I dont read?? I use the tool go and see my vk

Do you think that we are that stupid to believe that some fake VK account with stolen photo is going to convince us?

As long as you refuse to confirm the authorship on Instagram or Piknu, you will be considered just another lying, scamming identity thief.

Please, stop submitting bogus identity forms on our website.

Is Katya really an identity thief? I am new on here and I presume my acceptance for this site took so long as I was being checked out.
If Katrina is not the Katya I thought she was, and has indeed stolen an identity, I feel a complete fool.
At 52 I thought I was a wise old man.

Obviously, it is another fake account. Otherwise would just confirm through correct social media accounts.

You are new user. New users tend to get fooled here easily regardless of age.
That's what scammers count on.

-95.8% from ATH
hahahahahahaha fucking scammers how do you feel when your shitcoin need to fired the 70% of the team ;D

I use the website tool. check