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RE: Why I ditched my 1/4 million followers on Instagram and why you should too!

in #photography5 years ago

Cool to have you here. We have some great photographers here, but the rewards are by no means guaranteed. It is still a fairly small community, but you have to work to get noticed by the big accounts. Have fun with it and see where it takes you.

Will you be looking to add Steem to the social sites listed on your site? If you know anyone who needs an account I can create them.


Thank you for your interest in my work! As well as for resteeming my post. Hope you’re having an amazing day!

I will certainly have to add Steem to the social sites on my website. Looking forward to telling everyone I know about Steem as well!!

If even 10% of your Instagram followers came to Steem it could double the active users and shift the rewards distribution. The are opportunities to make a difference and build something amazing. Enjoy.

I’ll definitely be sending messages to some of the highly active artists I mutually engage with through IG to explain the value of switching platforms. I think I’ll get quite a few who are interested as well as talented with their work to try Steem!

What is your discord? I have some people that are looking to join Steem already 😁

I'm steevc#3022. Can also DM me as steevc on Twitter. Off to bed soon, but I can check on them in the morning. I need to know the user name they want. I have over thirty account tokens right now, but I know other people who can do this too. You get this ability when you have enough Steem Power.