# Abstract ish

in #photography4 years ago (edited)

Abstract ish

Just a quick post to let people know I am taking a short break from posting and being on the PC, not sure for how long and nothing bad is going on just for me its time for a short break and to focus on other things.

Sorry, @dswigle for the first time in ages I am missing a Market Friday Post :(

A shortish post and some abstract shots I made playing around at home one day , I have been debating with myself whether to share them or delete them as they did not come out as I hoped, but as you are seeing them and perhaps reading this I guess its obvious i decided to share them LOL

1 1 bored at home series cd and water drops2.jpg

Sony A7iii 90mm F5 1/60 Sec ISO 3200
Click here to view larger

The subject is pretty simple dops of water on a CD and taken with a couple of lights shining on them and from various angles, I have seen people do this and get some amazing effects, now I do think these are kind of cool and a fun abstract but I know I will try this again sometime and hopefully get better ones, but for now, these are the best I got.

1 1 bored at home series cd and water drops.jpg

Sony A7iii 90mm F5 1/60 Sec ISO 6400
Click here to view larger

and one last one to finish off this post

1 1 bored at home series cd and water drops3.jpg

Sony A7iii 90mm F10 1/25 Sec ISO 3200
Click here to view larger

I hope life is well for everyone who makes it down this far in my post, well everyone in general in these crazy times we are going through.

And that’s all folks

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.


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amigo como esta ,caramba se alejo de steemit,lo he buscado y no encontraba por no acordar su nombre hasta que lo logre,de verdad esto esta muy flojo no hay mucha recompensa,pero aqui voy amigo guapeando a ver si encuentro algo,aquien venezuela muy dura la vida el dinero pagan muy poco y todo muy caro el sueldo 3 dolares mensuales,muchos amigos estan alejados tambien,saludos cuidese y muchas bendiciones