Walking on Water & Snow Carving Competition

in #photography7 years ago

As we saw Lake Geneva my youngest asked me "can I walk on water today?"

We had gone up to Lake Geneva Wisconsin to check out the National competition of Snow Sculptures. These artists come from all around the US to this small Wisconsin town for this even going on 26 years now. They carve on Friday and voting is on Saturday so these artists have to work fast.

Right off the bat the first sculpture we got to see felt pretty fitting for Steemit.



At this point we went up a flight of stairs to a balcony so I could get an overview of the main circle of entries.

This one I couldn't get near and only have a shot from above.



Can't be around artists and not have a political statement made by one of them. Agree or Disagree, just be respectful of others opinions.


The crowds made those few photos take no less then 30 minutes. While the kids thought the sculptures were cool they really wanted to go walk on water. So it was time for a little detour before going to the second viewing area. 20180203_133107.jpg

Helicopter rides were available. Surprisingly the kids didn't even ask as they were having so much fun sliding around on the ice and finding things frozen below their feet.

Don't think there is much demand for buying ice on a day like this.

The building where the judges stayed warm and live music from local high school bands was playing. This event is used to raise money for the bands and some other local groups.

This is my baby girl showing me how cool the ice was.

Slip and slide time.


This beach is packed during the summer. But surprised how many people were out here with the wind wiping across the lake. It was cold!

We moved over to a play area they set up for the kids. Little mini sculptures the kids could play on and a mountain of snow...well more like ice...that the kids climbed around on.

And now back to the snow sculptures.







At this point we were pretty much frozen and it was time to head home. Time for the mile walk back to the car and 90 minute drive home. Kids were passed on cold in no time and it was a peaceful car ride.

Hope you enjoyed the photos as much as we enjoyed our day out.

All Photos were taken by me and all rights are reserved.

I Upvote all quality same day comments that show you actually read the post while taking the time to do more then say "great post".

Your Votes and Resteems are very appreciated!!


Jesus these are amazing - masterpieces. Would not have though tit was possible. These guys are genuine artists of the highest caliber. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them. Great post : )

Thank you sir! Glad you liked them.

This is a national competition so to make it here means they have serious skills. It's an event we tried to go to a few years ago and it was just to warm so the detail had melted on all the sculptures. It made the event kind of boring that year and we didn't return until this year. I'm so glad we went! It amazes me what these guys can do with a block of snow.

Agreed. It's a shame the spring will melt them.

These guys do their work and you can expect the sun to melt them or idiots to destroy them in no time. Even while teh judging was still going on people were crossing the ropes to get a good photo with themselves right up next to the work...jackasses. Once the day is over the ropes come down and any that might be dangerous are knocked over to avoid them crushing a kid. Which really means all of them come down. Crazy to spend that much time to create something that won't last more then a couple days.

One can only document them before they are gone.

These are great!

@bjgeese - Thank you for your recent upvote!

Cool you track that. @bjgeese is a family member who just has been using up his voting power supporting me and I asked him to upvote any comments that might end up being "dust votes" and not get payout. Anything under 2 cents gets ignored at payout for comments.

Trying to get him to blog, but for now he is helping out in his own way.

@thedarkhorse That´s awesome I really liked the eagle and the crocodile, looks really cold for me though but your daughter looks like she is having fun

The girls had a blast. As for the cold, the kids never seem to mind unless there is work to be done. I'm getting to an age where getting cold isn't fun anymore.

The two you liked best are also my top two. The way the Eagle is sculpted amazes me that it can hold all the weight from above.

Awesone art

very-very good picture ok I've vote.jangan forgot vote back