Please refrain from using #photography for posting art, graphics, memes, or other people's photos. Repeated use of the #photography tag when posting other people's photos without attribution or indicating it isn't yours could also be considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community and may result in action from the cheetah bot.
If you are the photographer please reply and let us know!
I always give credit when I know who to give it too. I did not get this image from your posted link, so how do I know they deserve the credit? As for the photography question, that is not a problem I can post it in travel.
Not indicating that the content you posted including images is not your original work could be seen as plagiarism.
Please refrain from using #photography for posting art, graphics, memes, or other people's photos. Repeated use of the #photography tag when posting other people's photos without attribution or indicating it isn't yours could also be considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community and may result in action from the cheetah bot.
If you are the photographer please reply and let us know!
This image is found everywhere including my camera. This one is better though.
I always give credit when I know who to give it too. I did not get this image from your posted link, so how do I know they deserve the credit? As for the photography question, that is not a problem I can post it in travel.