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RE: Bike amd Graffiti - Random Photo #6: Reithalle again!
My graffiti pics are going to look very ordinary when compared with yours with those bikes strategically placed which has added much more value to the overall effect. Another great shot @rhetoric Well done......and thanks for tagging me. Any more?
Oh and try different angles. These ones are made almost lying on the floor. Not really lying since the ground was so dirty but the cam almost touched the floor:)
Love your passionate dedication to your photography @rhetoric although I do put myself in some tricky spots at times to get the effect I want. As I was travelling by boat and plane to get the place I took my graffiti shots, it just wasn't practical for me to take a pushbike with me. (lol)
Haha thank you!
I just love photography that's probably why I'm commited that much. I just had to realize that it doesn't matter at all how stupid you look while taking the picture. You could almost say the awkwarder you look taking the picture, the better it gets. Just kidding, but anything other than standing in front of your subject will add value.
Thanks for the conversation! It's a lot of fun!
So true @rhetoric Passion will make you move out of your comfort zone without a second thought.........and I hasten to say that I am referring to photography here although I am sure that sentiment can be used in a variety ways . I'm just so glad no-one (to my knowledge) has snapped me mid awkward pose. It still wouldn't stop me from making sure I got the best possible picture. Ahhh Determination and Passion! What a powerful duo.
Yes definetly! Most of the time there is no-one to see me anyways while taking a picture so I can be as goofy and awkward as I can go.
No, it would be hillarious to recieve a picture of me trying to get a good shot! Laughing about yourself is a great way to accept you for what you truely are.
Absolutely correct. These two attributes are a perfect match!
I couldn't survive without a sense of humour. Keep on using the two combinations in your photography and in life and you will be very fulfilled.
Yes, humour is the key to a happy life.
Btw: what does one mindreader say to the other mindreader?
Great advice. Will need that in the following 70years on that planet! :-)
I don't know. What does one mind reader say to the other mindreader? How I wish I had another 70 years ahead of me. I had no idea I was talking to someone so young. May every year of your next 70 be very fulfilling and fun! I've put my order in for another 30 years but that might be a little greedy of me. Quality is so much better than quantity when you've been on the planet as long as I have. (:
Haha don't judge yourself so hard. I just had the opportunity with these bikes but there are tons of ideas for a foreground. The more urban like a bike the better but even a Lego-minifugure can work:)
Check this old post out
And I have even more of these:)

Just anything in the foreground will add interest to the picture:)