Film shots from Lockdwon

in #photography4 years ago

Hi guys,

So as we are entering lockdown number 2 here in the UK I thought I would share some film shots we took during the first lockdown in March. We spend our days playing with River, reading to him, dancing around to music and basically just enjoying our indoor time. The weather was gradually getting warmer so we spent more and more time outside but also felt comfort indoors. Its been amazing to have so much time to spend with our son who otherwise over summer we'd have had to leave in childcare a lot as we'd have been working so much. This second lockdown is slightly different, we are allowed to excersise outdoors as much as possible and places like gardens and naitional trust sites remain open which has been an amazing plus. To be able to still go for an afternoon at one of these beautiful places is so nice and makes it feel a bit more normal. The downsides are stil the same though, we can't see family or friends and have to go to the shops one at a time. Hoping that this will be the end of it and in December we can have a somewhat normal Christmas. Christmas shopping is definitely going to be manic so we are going to try and do it all online!! Finger crossed we can! Still deciding as to when its too early to put up our tree?? Lots of people I've seen have already done it! When are you guys doing it? anyway, might have to get the film camera back out!

  • Verity x







