Do you known what is this? Worm or Grass?

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Worm or Grass?

Worm in the Winter and Grass in the Summer!

 Latin Name: Cordyceps sinensis
Common Name: Caterpillar fungus / Cordyceps
Scientific Name: Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.
Chinese Name: 冬虫夏草
Pinyin Name: dong chong xia cao 

Origin: Cordyceps sinensis is a fungus that parasitizes caterpillars, specifically the larva of the hepialid moth (also known as the bat moth). When the fungus parasitizes the larva, its mycelia, which is a mass of branching, threadlike hyphae, fill the entire body of the host and kills it. The entire fungus-larva combination is collected for medical use.

Where Does It Grow: It is mainly grown at an altitude of 3500-4500 meters on plateau areas, such as Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu and Tibet in China.

Traditional Use in Traditional Chinese Medicine: 

1.  Enhancing kidney yang and replenishing essence; 

2.  Invigorating both lung and kidney to ease breathing difficulties, stop bleeding and dissolve phlegm. 

Pharmacological Actions:

 1. Anti-oxidant effects 

 2. Anti-inflammatory effects 

 3. Anti-tumor effects 

 4. Anti-fatigue and anti-stress effects 

 5. Effects on respiratory system 

 6. Effects on lung fibrosis 

 7. Effect on lung fibrosis 

 8. Immunomodulatory effects 

 Toxicology:  Cordyceps has an extremely low level of toxicity. Mice have been shown to tolerate up to 45g/kg of Cordyceps, which is approximately 250 times the therapeutic dosage for humans. The LD50 in mice via intraperitoneal injection is 21.7±1.3 g/kg.

 Administration and Dosage:  It can be administrated as a decoction, powder mixture or stew, 5-10g each time. 

 Adverse Effect, Side Effects and Cautions:  No interaction or adverse effects are reported. 

If you want to know more about this "WORM", please tell me, cause I come from  producing area. 

If you want to buy this "WORM", I will try my best to help you! I accept Bitcoin, Steem, Bitshares, BitCNY, et al.


looks like ugly long finger nails

This is Traditional Chinese Medicine drug.