The subject called physics, what we do not now/

in #physics7 years ago

Many of you might know that science is very broad and powerful, however, many people tend to misplace its meaning. To make this much more understandable, please take your time to answer the question without peeking anywhere.

What is science?

What is technology?

What is engineering?

Now check out my answer.

Science is the study of why things happen around us, and how these things operate. Technology is the method and procedure at which things can be done. Engineering is the application of the procedure (technology) to make man's life to be easier and efficient.

You might not see the line of distinction, but it exists. The difference between the world countries is the engineering aspect.

Now onto physics.

As many might already know, physics is the study(science and not technology or engineering) of inanimate things around us. In fact​, ​chemistry​ is part of physics though many can debate that it is from alchemy.

Physics is broken into many parts. Many would say classical and quantum, but it is not really it. At the university level, ​physics spreads​ from basic things like medical and feeding ​to even the unknown.

Classical​ physics talks about the known macro world, while the quantum physics deals with the micro world. Classical, and quantum physics clash a lot and disagree​. many theories have​ been created to end​ this dispute, string, ​and theory of everything all tried and failed. That, however, ​is not the problem, the main problem is what is the relationship of antimatter and dark matter with the four forces of nature?

anyone have an idea?

what is your theory?


Good content, Good science acknowledges God, No science without him & nature, thanks, the best of inventions came mostly from physics , mathematics, Kudos.