Crypto miners, exchange market rate

in #pi5 years ago

My point was not in regard to Pi per say. It was in the ability to 10x any amount one has. No matter what market it is.

I agree though, saying that Pi is worth so much per Pi that can be mined freely makes many people attracted looking for a quick buck.

I only go off what Pi has sold for. Not what it will sell for. Not what it might sell for. What it actually sold for in regard to a Pi conversion rate for a pioneer put there.

That's factual info. Will another user capture that value? Maybe...but it depends on where they shop with their Pi.

People in btc say the same thing its almost hard to believe. I mined btc in 20.. but I lost the harddrive that stored my btc.

People with Pi in time will say. I sold my Pi only for this much, and I had this much Pi early on. Now its worth this much per Pi.