PIEX Masternode Configuration

in #piecoin7 years ago

Step 1:
Download and install PIEX wallet.
Download PIEX wallet from https://mega.nz/#!GhEmXTYI!G-6Qqf8YmVu7QSnP-D8V7LKr0OnaR_9eO4y8QYczafM Recommended to encrypt and backup your wallet first.

Step 2:
Wait for wallet to complete synchronization.

Step 3:
Generate Masternode Private key.
Go to Tools -> Debug console and enter the command "masternode genkey" Keep the output in a safe document such as notepad. This is your private key for the Masternode.

Step 4:
Get account address from main wallet.
In Debug Console enter the command "getaccountaddress MyMasternode". You can use your own name instead of MyMasternode. Copy the output and save it to the notepad.

Step 5:
From your main wallet, send exactly 25,000 PIE to the address generated in Step 4. Wait for 15 Confirmations.

Step 6:
Get the proof of transaction in main wallet.
Type "masternode outputs" in Debug console and copy the output to the notepad. This is the proof of the transaction.

Step 7:
Update masternode.conf.
Go to Tools -> Open Masternode Config
It should look something like this
masternode1 27BxAhVTQrCCVdqycRkkttVcaxZvvxCadukwHwv1s7neYFm6EAX 957e59cad55492af9d2c2468c699308139499820c7074c1ef46fa5e19614b0025 0

Step 8: Update Wallet Configuration File
Tools->Open wallet Configuration File
Open the wallet config file and update as below.

rpcallowip=LOCAL IP
externalip=PUBLIC IP
masternodeaddr=PUBLIC IP:53472
masternodeprivkey=PRIVATE KEY

Step 9:
Restart Wallet.

Step 10:
Go under Masternodes, Click on “Start Missing” or “Start All”

Step 11:
Open Debug console, Type “masternodelist” Look for your Public Key/Address. Status should say “ENABLED”



Really was a job well done. I'm excited. My donation is going to be in the form of payment :) Who on the team wants to help me get 9 Masternodes (at least) set up on a VPS ?!

In discord shepy or watertrooper is your best bet.

Did you do it this way? https://masternodeguides.com/setup-piex-masternode-piex-masternodes/

I got as far as "Connect to your Ubuntu VPS via SSH and update & upgrade the server first.".. now I'm stuck.

@dan-wilson are you trying to connect to your VPS on a Windows machine? You will need to connect using Putty.


@coinhawk - you all taken care of with your coins and everything? I haven't been too active in chat recently and was looking at this @piecoin account! #beondbitcoin #masternode

If you need help feel free to come in our discord!

When I type 'masternodegenkey I get what looks like an error 'method not found (code -numbernumbernumber) is the numbernumbernnumber my code?

these are the instructions i used for wallet on windows o.s. spot on!

Yea, they are awesome! Thanks @piecoin

Great guide! Thank you.
It will be work for Virtus masternodes too!