How to create best pillow fort ever!

in #pillow8 years ago

First of all sorry for my english, I use google translate sometimes, because it's diff

Autumn is the time, when you want comfort and warmth.  Especially when you're a child at heart. So, after some time in internet  I found the concept of the ideal fort.

Firs of all you need all the  pillow you have. Then  сonstruct walls with them.

After that you need to create the roof. You can use  a blanket for that task.  If you are a real architect, may be  you'll get something like this:


In my case, something like this: 

But the most important part of pillow port is provision! You need to find snacks, cookies, drinks that you have. 

You can use easy google manual how to create pillow fort from sofa=) 

 In any case - it is a great pastime for both adults and children. Have a nice time =)