Are children being skinned under Du Pont Circle? Terrible info.
Horrifying info. I learned so much from this video. It's 1.5 hours long but they have info that most of us do not.
For example, you'll find out why Podesta's Serbian artist mirrors the tiled walls in Du Pont circle - underground.
And why they are skinning children. So evil, I can't communicate it all. Listen to the master of the subject matter in the video.
You'll find out a major child sex abuse study was called TEMOC - COMET spelled backwards.
1.5 Terrabytes of child porn found in Norway.
You'll learn why Du Pont Circle is a horrific centerpoint for abuse.
You'll find out more than you want to know about Pan, Baphomet, goats, satyrs, Saturn, Satan and all the symbolism.
I can't recap everything.
It's horrifying, educational, revelationary and you won't regret the time spent listening.
So much was explained.
Info about the TEMOC child sex abuse study in the 2nd video:
T.E.M.O.C. (COMET) "Sex Abuse Study" Exposes #PIZZAGATE!
well this gives more credibility to my post about babies being sacrificed on the solstice in Denver. Nobody wanted to believe this...