
Well, we all have been guilty of believing in the good in people. Seems like people in general are more evil minded now then before... I am just an observer.

Have you read the pizza/pasta/hotdog codes from the wikileaks?

I mean, these are the Olsen-Twins we are talking about, singing a song written by adults in Hollywood, and if you read the lyrics with the codewords, it becomes very clear that this song is not about Pizza.

I hope you are right and I am wrong, but I would not bet my money on it.

Aparently a lot of personal shit has been allowed to happen in Hollywood and Washington DC, and as an observer and fellow human being I want these investigations to continue for as long time as they may take, with the help of the Internet, Steemit, Youtube - etc.

It is always important to check out things.

It's also important to not jump to conclusions and instead seek verifiable evidence. Relying on speculation is a shaky foundation. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the Olsen twins were subjected to various forms of abuse, but I can't assume that they definitely were, much less that it is connected to pizzagate.

@jacobtothe Before one can make a conclusion it is important to investigate the matter.

What we observe is hordes of voluntarily investigators/private citizens who do research into all these emails and bring out their findings to a broader public.

I think it is great - if Real Journalism is ever going to come back, we definitely need to support people who do research, that is at least one thing we all can contribute to.