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RE: Pizzagate repository just got censored by github - Backup links + Updated info

in #pizzagate8 years ago (edited)

Thank You @ausbitbank!!

I went through the entire thing file by file. Very good work here!

I would very much love it if you could gpg sign your files though. I trust you as an author of content. I would love if I could verify your content with an author signature.

I could fake your git commits and hack your repo if I put enough time and resources into it. If you were to give a gpg signature of the .zip file with each major update, I can be sure that it is from you. It defends against any and all man-in-the-middle attacks.

I have a project where I do this myself. It can be done in one command before committing.

"shasum -a 256 > SHASUM && gpg -b SHASUM && git add SHASUM SHASUM.sig && git commit -m "added pgp signature" && git push"

I outline the verification steps in the README in this project:
