RE: PizzaGate - DNC Pedophile Ring exposed by Podesta's Emails - Obama, Clintons, Andrew Kline
Yeah I here you, the internet is full of extremists who will use this information to fit the narrative they wish to sell that reinforces whatever confirmation bias they are suffering from. We can't let that happen so that everyone takes this seriously. These are actual crimes being done to children and that cannot be allowed to continue.
As a Christian I don't believe in Gnosticism, or the value of the "mystery schools", which are not really a mystery, their teachings are all available to read. However I won't make this about some personal Christian "witch hunt" of the OTO, I will just relay the facts as they are to ensure people don't blow this off as some Christian bullshit as most of the world does not see from the same perspective as me. I will try to leave my biases out of this.
I do understand that the vast majority of Free Masons, etc are just regular people looking for answers and not involved in this stuff in any way. They see the organization as just a charitable social gathering basically because to them that is all it is. They don't understand at the very top levels of these organizations, being done in secret is this human sacrifice, cannibalism, and pedosadism which is ritualistically performed and used to control people with blackmail. If the average person knew any of this stuff there would be riots in the streets for legitimate causes not Soros paid for riots about some fake election we just had.
Excellent :) Just wanted to make sure that's out there juuust in case.