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RE: Memorial For A Murdered Child - After School "Pizza" Movie Exposed

in #pizzagate6 years ago

Pizzagate was a hoax, by clinging to the term you expose yourself as either a moron or a trumpster. I clicked that profile and didn't see anything. Its amazing the people who are accusing others of pedophilia with no proof are now somehow portraying themselves as victims. If you accuse strangers of being pedophiles you deserve whatever you get.

I repeat this to every pizzagater, you can go find real pimps of children every big city greyhound bus station, why are you still hammering away at this code word nonsense?. Podesta never said cheese pizza, just pizza. Any codewords in those emails could just have easily been references to drugs or illegal donations. Sorry I don't accept that those were all references to children because someone on 4 chan made up a fake FBI graphic.

You want to fight child abuse, go right ahead, first place you should stop is the catholic church. Those are real victims, no pizza references though. That is the problem isn't it. You PG "researchers" want to have fun online looking for images, look its a pizza! It's the symbol for boy love. It's like a big game, and every new clue you find gets added to the voat page, no pagger how silly or insignificant. Look a spooky picture on instagram, lets call the person who posted it a pedophile.

There needs to be comments like mine,otherwise you get an echo chamber going with other nuts and start to think everyone agrees with this nonsense. A picture of pizza if just a picture of pizza. pedophiles don't advertise with symbols and code words in your television programs, they hide.

You want stop chld sex trafficking go after pimps, go after the mafia, go after outlaw bikers and go after hispanic human traffickers. Those people all have guns which why if you have real evidence of human trafficking you should call the police. If they ignore you it's probably because you went them with stupid shit like a picture of pizza, not because they are in on it.

The real icing on the cake is people need to fear speaking out against this insanity because then it could be me who gets stalked and harassed and called a pedo. Label everyone who questions this a child molester, its a pretty good tactic i bet.


Are you honestly saying that predators don't use symbols to communicate with each other?