She Was Lookin' At Me ~ A PlankTown Adventure!

in #planktown6 years ago (edited)

Hello and welcome to PlankTown!



As you may know, if you have been reading along

with the PlankTown series, you will no doubt know that Plankie is a fool for redheads and got himself into all kinds of trouble when he got in a scrap with a huge orca over BlueBerry Krill.



Since the beginning of time creatures of the earth and sea

have been trying to attract love. Of course, competition for love has always been fierce and things are no different in PlankTown! Maybe it’s even tougher to find love in a small place like PlankTown and it’s so exciting when new people come to town.

This was the case for Plankie when he saw BlueBerry Krill

for the first time at Shadows Saloon. But I’ll let Plankie tell the story from his perspective!

Hello everyone, and thanks for that nice introduction!

Well, I’m very young as many of you know,

and I’m trying very hard to understand this great big sea that I live in! But I wanted you to see the wonderful town that I live in. I think it’s one of the happiest places in the ocean. PlankTown is nestled in a huge canyon surrounded by cliffs and the water is so clear you can see for leagues. So beautiful!

DollFonzo often does balloons for the minnows and other organisms on mainstreet which always brightens up the whole town. What’s happier than balloons!! Well, maybe visitors!

We have a lot of visitors who travel through PlankTown.

Some swim on their own and others take the Witty Express Locomotive, which is the farthest travelling Steem Engine that anyone knows of. Good ‘ole Engine #62 rumbles through town every day.

You can always see the lights from the church glowing

in the distance and the electric eels lighting up the street lamps makes the whole place feel even cozier. The O2 bar is also very popular, especially with the guppies. PlankTown Hall is probably the biggest building in town and it also has the jail and the courthouse besides all the other town offices.

I didn’t know until very recently that BlueBerry Krill’s dad

owns the Krill & Grill beside Shadows Saloon. I guess she had been away at MinnowsCool getting a fancy education. She’s super smart and beautiful! And she sings like an angel. But she’s back in town now and all grown up and gigging at Shadows Saloon where I also often gig with my band Plankie & The DollFinns.

I think what I’m still trying to learn is how to even know if a Krill likes me or not. It can be a little confusing trying to figure that out!

The strangest thing was whenever I thought she was looking at me

I would look at her. And then when I would look at her I swear she would look away!! How are two organisms supposed to know if they like each other if they never look at each other! I just thought, wow this is such a crazy little game with no rules.

And that gave me an idea for a new song

and I went into the studio and laid down this original song with my band Plankie & The DollFinns. I hope you like it, it’s called, She Was Lookin’ At Me.

See you around the Sea!

I’ll probably be in jail next time you see me but don’t worry too much. My cousin Globi is the Sheriff of PlankTown. What could possibly go wrong?!!


The history of my original song She Was Lookin' At Me

Once upon a time
I found myself travelling in a work truck with the owner of the company I was working for. We were tired and dirty and wearing coveralls soaked with motor oil. The owner, Ward, was driving and we were just chatting away and he says to me. Hey, you know what would be cool? If someone wrote a song about when you're out having a beer somewhere and you're sure some girl is checking you out but you seriously can't catch her doing it. The song could be something like, she was lookin' at me.

We were a mobile oil change company
so I reached down and tore off a piece of cardboard from an oil filter box and jotted this song down in about ten minutes. Then it sat in a box somewhere from 1997 until 2013 when I found it again and recorded it in Peterborough Ontario, Canada at Barry Haggarty's studio. What a journey this song has had! I hope you like it.

She Was Lookin’ At Me

Well there’s this crazy little game that people play
There’s no winners there’s no losers
But there’s rules just the same
And if I had a minute, well I’d tell you all about it
But I gotta run ‘cause it’s my turn to play

She was lookin’ at me to see if I was lookin’ at her
Well her eyes flashed towards me in the blink of an eye
And when I turned my head to see if she was lookin’ at me
Well her face was turned away,
She beat me to the punch,
And all that’s left is just a hunch,
That she was lookin’ at me to see if I was lookin’ at her

Well I wish there was some advice I could give
‘Bout this dance we dance, this game we insist that we play
And if I knew the secret,
You can bet I’d keep it
‘Cause I’m pretty sure that she just looked my way
You may be thinkin’ that this looks like a one-way street
And there's no way that we could ever change feet

© Michael Arthur Tremblay


Artwork & Animation by @derosnec ~ Nina Helene Hirten
©All characters, images, text, video are the sole property of @thebugiq & @globocop and may only be used with express written permission.
All stunts performed by their respective characters
No Orcas were harmed in the making of this GIF
Guest appearance by @enginewitty as Engine #62 Witty Express
©She Was Lookin' At Me ~ Written, Performed and Co-produced by @TheBugIQ and Barry Haggarty. Used by permission of Michael Arthur Tremblay




Good morning, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight

to Steemians all around the world. I want to send out a big Thank You to the many folks who are supporting PlankTown! I can't tell you how much your support means to me, @derosnec & @globocop.

Please keep a sharp lookout for our next instalment of PlankTown

coming next week! Thank you all so very much for all the love shown. For each and every follow, resteem and vote we humbly thank you, and look forward to entertaining you with the many adventures of PlankTown & the PlankVerse!!

Welcome to PlankTown, Under The Sea!
Love, @thebugiq, @derosnec & our beloved PlankTown Sheriff @globi Chris 'The Hat' Hatfield @globocop


Well done, nice Show ..
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing your experience..

I love the art, it's very spongebob-esque

Thanks! We really wanted the animated feel :)

Haha! Love it! Especially the song. What a good jam. :D
Also this part was great. I can relate. Nice work!

I would look at her. And then when I would look at her I swear she would look away!! How are two organisms supposed to know if they like each other if they never look at each other! I just thought, wow this is such a crazy little game with no rules.

Thanks for stopping by lol. Yah I have so much fun doing these. The song is off my own original album :) Really great guys played on it here in Canada! Fiddle player is Don Reed from Sudbury Ontario and the guitar player is Barry Haggarty who used to play for Ronnie Hawkins back in the day.

this is amazing, and wow what an effort of doing these animations. you did a great job.

Thanks very much!

this is amazing, and wow what an effort of doing these animations. you did a great job.

You have a really creative mind. I was actually hoping that you produced an audio version of this play so that the characters could really live a little..

Awesome stuff @planktown!!!!! Love the song!!!

This is creative and quite funny ;-) thanks!

Nice to hear an original Bug song in the mix ;)