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RE: POCKET Friday, and a little info about the consequences of upvoting my posts.

in #pocket5 years ago

I love @tristancarax. I wrote a story for his first 31-sentence contest. That was hard...truly a longwrite. Sometimes I forget to check his blog, but was just over there today. I will be more diligent. He's great. Thanks for the reminder.


@improv, I hear you on the demoralizing effect that mmkk has on people. Rather than getting what he says he wants, he's hurting the very people who make this platform worth coming to at all, and this is very sad.

@agmoore2, often, since about a year and a half into freewriting, I started to edit heavily. In fact, I rarely do a straight freewrite anylong. There is sometimes a warm-up called clustering that I do before hand to help me; it works to organize thoughts before they come out on the computer. As of late, I've been doing the 31 sentences within the weekendfreewrite, only using the prompts. Of course, these are edited. So, while doing a freewrite in five minutes is one option, you now have other options to choose from. - As a side effect, I believe, curie will often stop by and bless me for the work that I've done.

@improv, while it would be nice to make a living from this, I see that as a far off thing; that is if this platform takes off. The plan I have within the Facebook group, Moving the Streets is much more reliable. I know that you hate mlm's and you don't want to hear about any of them being different than the other, but the truth is, this is a great company, thus far, and they truly have wonderful products that are inexpensive for the ingredients they contain in them.

There are a few ways to help each other within the company, the main one being simply purchasing products and letting me do the rest (of course, this is a slow way). I've been able to help multiple people with the little resources that I have. Now, if they would do as they said and order, then I would be making about $200 each month (might be overshooting a bit at this time). However, as it stands now, two or three continue to make small purchases out of the 15 or so people that I've signed up and helped. So, to date, I made my first $61 bucks just last month! I think this is awesome.

Maybe you will rethink your position and help me out with this business. I, in turn, will be able to help you out, creating a circle of help.

Anyways, @agmoore2 and @improv, thanks for the very kind words. And, yes, @improv, I've got a contest out. I would love to see you, and @agmoore again, come write for it at some point in the near future.

To quote a certain muscle-bound ex-governor:
I'll be back :))